All in Aesthetics

Sublime Truth

In the following excerpt from my forthcoming large-scale aesthetic work, The Spirit of Fine Art, I attempt to distinguish aesthetic knowledge, that is, the knowledge of sublime Truth, from conceptual knowledge.

The Artwork as metaphysical rebellion

The following is an excerpt from my forthcoming work, ‘The Spirit of Fine Art’, which is an attempt to completely philosophically systematise Art. In it, I explore the interesting idea that any artwork is a living paradox, one in which an attempt is made to use finite means to convey infinite ends, that is, to express the inexpressible.

Art unto Art

In this brief excerpt from my forthcoming large-scale work, The Spirit of Fine Art. I attempt to philosophically distinguish two great modes of human knowing from one another, Art and Science.

The Infinite Purposiveness of Fine Art

Drawing to a certain extent upon Kant, but mostly upon observations from the introduction to Hegel’s Lectures on Fine Art, this paper sets out to explore fine art’s infinite purposiveness, firstly by contrasting it to form, then to fine art’s finite counterpart, and finally by integrating it with Hegel’s notion of ‘Spirit’ (Geist).